
Barnabás Dukay

From Unearthing The Music

Barnabás Dukay. Photo sourced from Discogs

Barnabás Dukay (born in Szőny, July 25 1950) is an Hungarian composer and educator.


Barnabás Dukay spent his high school years at the Sebestyén Lantos Secondary School of Music in Tinódi, Győr. Between 1969 and 1974 he was a student at the Liszt Ferenc College of Music under Rezső Sugár, and graduated in 1976. Starting in 1970, he was a member of the New Music Studio for 20 years. Between 1974 and 1991 he was a teacher at the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music and Grammar School. He has been a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists since 1980. Between 1991 and 1995 he was a teacher at the Budapest Teacher Training Institute of the Liszt Ferenc University of Music. He has been a member of the Association of Hungarian Composers since 1994, and a professor of music theory at the Liszt Ferenc University of Music since 1995.

Notable compositions

  • Láthatatlan tűz a téli éjszakában (Invisible Fire in the Winter Night (1990)
  • Az új fuvola (The New Flute) (1992)
  • A születés titkai (Secrets of Birth) (1999)
  • A mélység színén (In the Color of Depth) (2001)
  • Hallomások (Hearings) (2010)
  • A kő lobogó lángja (The flame of the stone flag)
  • Láttam Uramat a szívem szemével (I saw my Lord through the eyes of my heart)
  • A változó Holdhoz (To the setting Sun.)
  • A lenyugvó Naphoz (To the changing moon)
  • A rejtőző Földhöz (To the hiding Earth)
  • Kiszáradt kút a nedves holdfényben (Dried well in the wet moonlight)
  • Elhagyott ösvény a ködös messzeség felé (Abandoned path to the misty distance)
  • Rondino, amely a szívhez szól (Rondino, which is for the heart)
  • Porszem és vízcsepp a liliom szirmán (Dust and water drops on a lily petal)
  • Szimfóniák az éjféli Naphoz (Symphonies for the Midnight Sun.)
  • Fölizzás a tüzekben (Addition in fires)
  • Harmat csillogása az elmosódó lábnyomokban (Glitter of dew in blurring footprints)
  • Keresztutak a világtalan sötétségben (Floating mist on the color of the depth)
  • Lebegő pára a mélység színén (Crossroads in worldless darkness)
  • A kútnál (At the well)
  • Hallomások a fényről és a szeretetről (Hearings of light and love)
  • Égő sóvárgás (Burning longing)


  • Barnabás Dukay - Márta Ábrahám : Excerpts from eternity

(book) : Purification of time and character, fulfillment of love, cooperation with the Heavenly Will in Johann Sebastian Bach's violin-Ciaccona. ISBN 978-963-12-8720-2

  • Angolul: Dukay Barnabás - Ábrahám Márta: Excerpts from Eternity: The Purification of Time and Character, the Fulfilment of Love, Cooperation with the Celestial Will in Johann Sebastian Bach's Ciaccona for Violin. Budapest : BioBach-Music Book and Music Publishing L.P., cop. 2017. ISBN 978-963-12-8865-0


  • Soros Foundation Award (1997, 2003)
  • Ferenc Erkel Award (2000)
  • Bartók-Shepherd Award (2007)
  • Meritorious Artist of Hungary Award (2019)


  • MTI Who is who 2009. Ed. Hermann Peter. Budapest: Magyar Távirati Iroda. 2008. ISBN 978-963-1787-283
  • BMC

Text adapted from the Hungarian Wikipedia